
Comari, Conca d’Oro, brioche co tuppu and much more


Testo in italiano


In this episode of the Cannolo Report:

Alia and the Thursday of the comari

Studio 1

Francesco Teriaca tells us about this curious tradition of Alia



The tarantella


3 things to do if you visit Sicily

Giuseppina Torre: Vittoria, Ragusa Hybla, Camarina, Granita and brioche co tuppu …


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Out and about – Journeying Sicily

Let’s take a nice walk in Sicily to discover its wonders

2 places: Here we are in southern Sicily and this is Sambuca di Sicilia famous for having a neighborhood of Islamic architecture where alleys and courtyards are mixed just as if we were in a casbah! And this is Punta Faro, at Capo Peloro, the closest part of Sicily to the Italian peninsula.

2 museums: This is one of the most important museums in the world: the Archaeological Museum of Agrigento that collects artifacts largely found in the breathtaking and approaching Valley of the Temples. And this instead is the ethno-anthropological museum of Alia, which collects exceptional testimonies of the Sicilian past. It is also a good opportunity to visit this small village in the Sicilian hinterland.

2 archaeological sites: Here we are in Selinunte, where you can admire the ruins of the powerful Siceliot city of the fifth century BC. An enchantment close to the African sea, as it was once called the southern part of the Mediterranean. And this is Tindari, Greco-Roman city that dominates the Laghetti of Marinello, mirrors of sea trapped by the sand.

2 nature sites: Here we are in the Nebrodi Mountains that dominate the northern part of Sicily. It’s a world apart made of nature and animals in the wild, such as wild boar. Shepherds, ancient traditions and snow in winter. And here instead we are at sea, here are the Salt evoporation ponds of Trapani and Paceco, where deposits of sea salt alternate with the presence of migratory birds that winter in this area. A place full of poetry.


2 foods: This is pasta alla Norma: fried eggplant, tomato sauce, salted ricotta cheese and basil. One of the most beloved Sicilian pastas that takes its name from the most famous opera of the master Vincenzo Bellini from Catania. And this is the arancino, ball of rice stuffed with meat sauce and then fried. Great protagonist of Sicilian street food.


Studio 2

Francesco Teriaca: Villa Forni in Palermo and the Conca d’Oro




8 Marzo del 1669 l’Etna entra in eruzione. Da questo cratere la lava giunse fino al mare della città di Catania, che vedete là in fondo. Il castello Ursino, che si trovava su un isolotto a mare, venne circondato dalla lava ed oggi è sulla terraferma.

Il 10 Marzo 2019 precipita l’aereo sul quale si trovava Sebastiano Tusa, archeologo di fama mondiale, uomo a cui la Sicilia deve tanto. Sebastiano era socio del nostro Dipa rtimento Culturale. Un grande e commosso abbraccio grande Sebastiano

Il 10 Marzo 1656 nasce lo scultore Giacomo Serpotta passato alla storia per i suoi meravigliosi stucchi che si possono ammirare in diverse parti della Sicilia.

Il 14 Marzo del 1972 esce il film il Padrino. Chi non l’ha visto almeno due volte?

Il 25 Marzo 1938 scompare il fisico siciliano Ettore Majorana, tra gli inventori della bomba atomica. Rapito, suicidato, in un convento? Forse non lo sapremo mai. Ecco la sua di Catania e questa la sua villa in campagna.

Il 27 Marzo 1963 esce il Gattopardo, una straordinaria rappresentazione dell’aristocrazia siciliana.


I consigli dell’agricoltore (si ripete per tutto il mese): a Marzo si continua a seminare grano soprattutto in montagna. Si piantano patate, fagioli, meloni, piselli, fave, zucche e lenticchie.


This is an imaginative, and possibly largely imaginary, view of Palermo. It’s a circa 1700 painting. The Gulf on the left is reliably. The mountain on the foreground correspond to Monte Pellegrino. But on the top of it instead of a castle there stands the little Shrine of Saint Rosalia, the sain patron of Palermo.


Sicilian Artisan Foundation

Splendid Sicily supports quality Sicilian craftsmanship.




My Sicily

Eolo Bottaro


Sicily Realty

Trailer Giovanni Vallone



The fruit vendor


Studio finale

Francesco Teriaca: Hi everyone




This episode was broadcasted from Alia and Palermo (Sicilia)











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